Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's day

The celebs of youngsters on Valentines Day has the love-depth of a mountain stream. Love has become a disposable emotion. Nobody is going to die for his/her sweetheart like Devdas and Parvathi, Romeo & Juliet, Laila & Majnun, Heer & Ranjha. Sharing of, food, pastime, travel, fun is all OK. But sharing of password, mind and body and money are NO-NO. Love is not something that drops suddenly from the sky. It is an emotion that develops slowly like a tree grows slowly. It will take months and years for the strengthening of that emotion. But it has to start first. It sprouts as a seed sprouts out of soil, when a conducive atmosphere is present with moisture in soil. The God given gender attraction is the water that stimlates the sprouts of that emotion, which, still cannot be called love. It is too feeble as a sprout. Love is a teak tree, having grown over the years, beating many storms and seasons.
Valentine's day serves as the watering day of the seeds of love.
Some plants will die in the sprouting stage; Some will be consumed by animals; Some will be destroyed by storms.
But some will defenitely survive and grow to become trees that will populate a forest.
The same thing is for human race.
That is what God has intended,- survival of the species.
HE has given the pleasure of sexual orgasm as the incentive for the species to indulge in sexual  intercourse and proliferate.
Not only survival of the species, but proliferation of species - that is what God and Nature wants!
The youths call their feelings as love, but that is not love.
That is attraction of genders for lust, camouflaged as gentle love.
Love is too strong an emotion.
Mother's love for children is the only emotion that can be called as love; instinctive, selfless, all consuming!
Other emotions, between youths, couples, friends, relatives - are all friendship, sacrifice, pity, care, affection, or simply liking each other or a combination of few of them.
So go ahead and water your sprouting plants of those emotions.
Valentines day gives an opportunity to do that.
You do not know whether your plant will grow to be a strong tree or will die as a young plant.
You have to water and see...
You have to obey are part of nature..!!!

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