Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lybia heading to civil war?

Qaddafi's son warns that Lybia is heading to civil war if his father steps down?

Warning or joking?

Does he not understand that the youngsters are ready to fight the armed forces?
He wants to have the country handed over to him as his father's family property?
What are the loots and swindles he and his father have done for 40 long years,
with the blessings and backings of the International community who have been bribed by supplying oil,
dollars to the leaders and influential people of all countries?
Jesus...Allah....God...40 long years...oppressing and exploiting the people of a country..!!
Civil war- between whom? The Qaddafi's forces and the Anti-Qaddafi's democratic forces?

The history books are replete with the fallen edifices of dictators overthrown by the fearless people
fighting for freedom and their own country!

1 comment:

  1. We do not know the people behind the unrest. Gadaffi's son might be giving message to the people behind the unrest. We have to wait and watch the developments.
