Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hitler's attempt at painting


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Thangavelu Subramaniun <>
To: Rajinder Sandhir(Info) <>; ANIL SINGH <>
Cc: exmecon <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 January 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: Hitler's attempt at painting
Jeez...what a story of a man !
Homeless penniless in 1910 to the most powerful ruler who conquered most of Europe in 1942 !!
riding on the theory of supremacy of Aryan race and hatred of the Jews as traitors..
he transformed Prussia into a un-paralleled war machine (Wehr Macht)

The power to control the mind of the people is the ultimate power..

Think about the lakhs who throng to Sabarimala, Hardwar, Prayag despite intolerable hardships.
It is the faith that moves the millions.
Hitler's commanded another kind of faith.., faith in the fatherland's supremacy to conquer the world.
Faith in his invincible leadership, like Napolean Bonaparte, Alexandr the Great.., Akbar the Great, Mouryas the Great..
Gandhi the Great, Lenin, Mao and so on...

When will another true leader will be born in this world..

From: Rajinder Sandhir(Info) <>
To: Thangavelu Subramaniun <>; ANIL SINGH <>
Cc: exmecon <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 January 2011 6:43 PM
Subject: Hitler's attempt at painting
Do not know about the paintings circulated but Hitler did attempt admission in the Arts Academy Of Vienna. Below write up is from his biography in Wikipedia: -
On 21
December 1907, Hitler's mother died of breast cancer at age 47. Ordered by a court in Linz, Hitler gave his share of the orphans' benefits to his sister Paula. When he was 21, he inherited money from an aunt. He struggled as a painter in Vienna, copying scenes from postcards and selling his paintings to merchants and tourists. After being rejected a second time by the Academy of Arts, Hitler ran out of money. In 1909, he lived in a shelter for the homeless. By 1910, he had settled into a house for poor working men on Meldemannstraße. Another resident of the house, Reinhold Hanisch, sold Hitler's paintings until the two men had a bitter falling-out.[28]
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:45 PM
Cc: exmecon
Subject: Re: [ex_meconians] Give people a chance
This mail has been around for quite some time now. Is there any authentication that these were actually painted by Hitler.
Anil kumar Singh
From: Thangavelu Subramaniun <>
To: Rajinder Sandhir(Info) <>
Cc: exmecon <>
Sent: Sat, 15 January, 2011 10:00:11 PM
Subject: [ex_meconians] Give people a chance
But Nehru & Gandhi were not dictators, though they did not have much of an opposition.
They wanted to build the nation through democratic process, not through dictatorial process,
which was, in other cases, very cruel and killed millions of civilians of own country.
Slow checkered progress is the price we pay for the freedom and justice of democracy.
From: Rajinder Sandhir(Info) <>
To: Thangavelu Subramaniun <>
Sent: Saturday, 15 January 2011 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ex_meconians] Fw: Give people a chance
He did create modern Germany. The Autobahn and Volkswagen car Company are two examples. The German Chemical industry is another example.
All dictators build. Like Stalin transformed a backward Russia into a first rate world power. The Chinese military industrialists who have transformed lotus eaters into a power more mighty than Russia or USA.
Not the dictators of India like the Nehru Gandhi dynasty or of Pakistan, the powerful military hydra head, ISI.
Rajinder Sandhir
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ex_meconians] Fw: Give people a chance
Exquisite paintings of varied subjects, scenes, hue and colour...

He is not only a master of destruction but also a master of creation..
From: ramjanma singh <>
To: ex meconians <>; Krisna kumar singh <>; murli krishn saibaba <>; Ganpati Singh <>; Dharm Raj singh <>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 January 2011 4:23 PM
Subject: [ex_meconians] Fw: Give people a chance
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ramendra singh <>
To: Anil Kumar <>;;;;;; Deepankar Chaudhary <>; Deepak Trehan <>;;
Sent: Wed, 29 December, 2010 2:12:30 PM
Subject: Fw: Give people a chance

The person who painted these pictures wanted to attend the Viennese Academy of Fine arts and become an artist, but the academy rejected his application.
If he had been accepted by the academy, world history would probably have been very different ...,
.. That applicant's name was ADOLF HITLER.  
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