Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

USA should intervene militarily in Libya.

The USA invaded Iraq in 2003 with strikes of surprise and awe, avowedly to destroy the WMDs that were supposed to have been hidden by Saddam Hussein. Now in hindsight, we all know what a skillful fabrication of grand  lies that was, to give a false reason to the World, lecturing on the forums of the UN by Colin Powel, is to terminate a dictator who was opposed to the US and to get free access to Iraq's oil.

The US has now a better reason to invade Libya, that is to save the lives of people protesting for freedom of democracy. Not only the US will be seen as acting as the champion of Democracy but The US will get the bonus Libya's oil, that is 2% of world oil production.

But Barack Obama is not George Bush.
They are entirely different personalities.

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