Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Egypt should show the way.

Revolution is OK as far as the purpose is achived. It cannot continue for ever. After the revolution, a system of governance and constitution has to be put in place, which shall be generally acceptable to all the sections of the society. That is the daunting task. During protests and revolution, the fervour of defiance of authority carries the mass movment. But after the dictator is thrown out, confusion, chaos may result in the absence of authority. How quickly the leaders of the revolution put together a governing council and establish law and order to allow normal life to go on is very important. There will be power struggles, may be violent to gain control of the governance.
Failure to return to normal life with establishment of law and order will result in attrition of violence which will lead to disappointment of the valiant people who struggled for independance.
So now how Egypt is going to form a government smoothly, fastly, effectively will encourage other nations revolting for freedom.
Failure to do it, will demoralise the people revolting for freedom.
The revolt in Lybia has turned violent with 8000 people killed by Qaddafi's forces with air strikes et all.
One must eulogise the bravery of the common people fighting the armed forces.
What Egypt does after throwing out the dictator is important motivation to people of Lybia revolting to throw out the dictator.

1 comment:

  1. What was the role of Israel in the Egyptian revolution?

    May be Israel wants to reoccupy the Sinai peninsula.
