Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Egypt erupts in chaos again. What is the solution ?

Egypt erupts in chaos again. The armed forces, The Muslim Brotherhood and a dozen parties are fighting for power and control while mass demonstrations, shootings and killings take place on Tahrir Square.

Chaos and fight for power is imminent when a regime falls creating a vacuum of controls.Violence, bloodshed and deaths happen invariably, mainly of innocent people. In such situations, the affected countrymen should entrust the task of building a government with the United Nations. It is time the UN forms a separate council like the Security Council to deal with such cases, given the number of countries in which popular uprisings pull down a regime without an alternative government.

The following procedure cn be thought about:

1. Put the armed forces of the country in transition under the command of the Security Council of the UN. There will not be any VETO power to any SC member. They have to take decisions combinedly.
2.Maintain Status quo of the rules and regulations till the alternatives have been agreed upon and effected.
3.Commission a dedicated standing committe in the UN comprising of the members of the Security Council, Reps of all major stake holders of the country in transition, reps from neighbouring countries, IMF, World Bank, Lenders. This committe will have sub-committes for constitution, political affairs, economic and financial matters, social and religious matters and so on. This committee will report to the General Body of the UN with SC acting as the lead.
4.The finalised road map for transition, power sharing will be approved by voting among the committe members.
5.The modus operandi of the transition shall be published for the general approval of the people. The suggestions of the people will be considered and incorporated in the road map.
6.Conduct elections in a democratic manner under the supervision and control of the UN. All the earlier command structure will be abolished. Only the UN will have full control of the election process, armed forces, police.
7.Elected reps will be asked to form a government.
8. This government will be under probation for 1 year, with UN as the watch dog to see that the Government is adhering to the conditions of the road map.
9.The UN will have the right to dismiss the government if it is not fulfilling the requirements of the road map.
10. This government will be in power for only 4 years with the UN acting as the President of the country.
11. Then the country will elect a President
12. Presidential powers shall be transferred to the President from the UN.
13.The people of the country can change the government by appealing to UN.

This will give a better way to manage the change in the country.

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