No, in the long run.
The totalitarian regime can temporarily end the demonstrations for democracy, but the fire will only ignite more minds with anger of the violent reprisals.
Refer the news item in New York Times, 18th Feb 2011, which cries out that - Lybian crackdown ends with many dead and also the crackdown in Bahrain has only aggravated the situation.
The worst thing to happen is to pit the regime's loyalists to combat the protesters on the streets violently, thus escaping the responsibility of killings.
Tianenmensquare was different, a single isolated incident which was quelled with violence by closed Communist Totalitarian Chinese regime on which the International pressure does not have any influence.
The mental paradigm has changed now.
It is not a single fire; it is a wild fire spreading fast through International borders.
The only way is to engage the revolters in purposeful and sincere peace talks and assuage their feelings,
buy time and find an amicable solution acceptable to all.
Well, that is not an easy task.
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