Think Originally

Think Originally

Original Thinking is the difference between humans and other creatures

Think originally, think rationally, think scientifically,

think impassionately, think fearlessly, think freely,
think for world peace, think for world happiness, think for world wellbeing,

think for saving and improving our only home:-
-This Planet, the lonely planet.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Seeds of Revolution in America

Occupy Wall Street - Is it the beginning of a Bolshevik Revolution in America

"The Occupy Wall Street " movement is spreading all over the US cities. This is the spontaneous reaction of the 99% of the people who were deprived of jobs, income in favor of the 1% who have amassed wealth by dubious means. America is facing a crisis period. The national debt is 14.3 trillion $ and increasing. The unemployment rate and poverty numbers are increasing. GDP is not growing. It is constantly under the threat of powerful terrorist groups. So it has to deploy its resources to fight wars on some other countrys' soil, so that they do not have to fight them at their doorsteps or inside the country.

Each and every state exchequer and that of the Federal is bankrupt. The fiscal deficit is very high and so is the printing of paper money and so the inflation. Citizens' confidence is at the lowest.

Banks are becoming insolvent and the government has to bail them out with tax money and in the process the governments are becoming insolvent. The US, for the firsrt time, has been downgraded in its sovereign credit worthiness.

People perceive that all these ills which are affecting their lives as never before are due to corporate greed, huge profiteering, syphoning of billions of dollars from the corporation and treasury by which the rich is becoming richer and the poor is becoming poorer.

That is exactly the situation in Tsarist Russia which spawned the popular Communist revolution by the Bolsheviks (Majority) which saw the overthrow of the Czar and established the popular Socialist 1917.

Such a feeling is spreading like wild fire in America. Vested interests are blowing the wind on it.

Similar revolution spread like tsunami in the Middle East but that was against entrenched dictators, clamouring for democracy. The autocratic governments fell one by one despite having the armed forces.
Such is the fury of the people against the dictators who rules their country, looted their country for 40+years.

There is no Communist Party worth the name in the US. So there is no chance of a Bolshevik revolution to overthrow the Capitalists government.

But I see the seeds of revolution are beginning to sprout on American soil.

America destroyed the Socialist USSR in 1990 and now it is the turn of Russia to destroy Capitalism.

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